Alessandro Terzi was born in Rome on 28th, June 1971. His passion for photography began in 1992 when he started using his father's reflex camera, the great Minolta SRT 303b. He used both color as well as black and white negatives. Cultivating his innate passion for the mountains, he started looking for a compositional theme, which over time became the nature photography. Landscape and wildlife photography are his scope. He wants to show places, and the same emotions he feels when he spends time walking in mountain.
After a long period with negatives in 2006 he started making photos with digital camera too. He used both Nikon F80, Minolta 303b and Nikon D70s. He felt added value of digital technics and he dediced shooting photos only in digital way, developing a personal digital workflow that brings from RAW file to final print. In 2007 he created this website with purpose to share photos with Internet community. He started travelling into european parks and natural reserves. In the same year he realizes the photographic exhibition "Salendo verso il cielo" that occurred at the FNUR (Naturalist Photographers of Rome University). The exhibition displayed the most significant shots of that years.
In 2008 he starts collaborating with publisher LEM ART. In 2009 LEM ART published his calendars and agendas in most important italian libraries. Since 2009 he is member of LIPU (Italian League for Birds Protection). In the same year he wins a section of an international photo contest called "Istanti di Natura, dal Millesimo all'Infinito" and some photos have been shown in the exhibit called "Gemme nel blu" in Latina (italy).

In 2010 realizes an other exhibition "Paesaggio e fauna della Scandinavia" that occurred at the FNUR and he starts teaching nature photography. In the same year realizes an other exhibition Alessandro Terzi Wildlife and Landscape Portfolio at Fotocolture association in Rome. In the period 3-16 May 2010 he realizes an other exibition "Paesaggio e Fauna Europei" into the "Magnificat Ars Naturam Exibition" in Pomezia.

Since 2011 he starts a collaboration with Oasis magazine, La Repubblica newspaper and LEGAMI publisher. In the 2014 he starts the photografic group Nature In Frame. In the 2016 he starts the Nature Details Group project in collaboration with other italian nature photographers.
Northern european parks located mainly in the scottish Highlands or in the norwegian mountains are his main interest, ever seeking for wildlife or a grand landscape vision!
Last update: 20th, August 2021 © 2007-2021 - All rights reserved Designed and developed by Alessandro Terzi